Saturday, 8 August 2009

There Is No Rose

There is nothing that binds us
Except the clutter around
And the noise unwelcome

This was unexpected
I have not...
As what courses through us
As what flows away.

There is no rose
There is no rose of such virtue

Nothing binds us but the roses
And the boredom.
Everything else is a pasture
We dare not graze

There is no rose of such virtue
There is no rose

The rhythm is unbearable
Your face alone despises those fruits
Beyond your grasp
The rhythm is beyond my measure
We shall not eat
We shall fast
We shall fast

There is no rose
There is no rose

Grace and your skin and time unearned
Bind us in fasting
The rhythm burns my lips
There is no light there is no rhythm there is

No face
No rose there is no rose there
Is no rose

There is no rose of such virtue
There is no rose of such virtue

We expire upon the thorns
The light is cold on your shoulder
Your skin must fear me a little

There is no rose
There is no rose

Impeccable in newborn sunlight, a face forgotten.
Ash hangs alongside your indifferent delight
Warm in the dew

The fast it is that binds us
We are blind only in the light

Your body sways like light
The wire in my mind glows
And cracks
There is no rose

There is no rose
There is no rose

Just stars
Welcome, night
Cold your face now
Cold your face

There is no rose of such virtue
There is no rose of such virtue
There is no rose