Friday, 19 December 2008

Like a Muggins

This is my first non-fiction entry since my shamefaced, ninja-silent return to the magic of the interweb.

Good lord, look at all that blank space.


I left the internet two years or so ago, saying that I didn't feel the need to blog anymore; that it had become a chore to fulfil instead of a pleasure or even a catharsis. I deleted my blog, said farewell to my literally teens of readers, and sloped off. Well, now I need to have a corner to rant in again.

My previous effort was ridiculously frank; I bared my chest and wailed at the computer and hid nothing. This time won't be like that, I suspect. I will use this mostly to put up things that I have made, and that probably fairly infrequently, in contrast with the glut of posts so far. Photos might happen soon. There will be some ranting, though, at some point. When I began to type this entry I thought it would contain rather a lot of ranting, and maybe some expletives for good measure. However, this isn't the time.

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